With 2017 underway there are definitely a lot of New Year resolutions that are looking tougher than they did in 2016. Whether it’s losing a few pounds, spending more time with the family, or landing your dream job, it’s no secret that reaching your goals is often more easily said than done.
In today’s world of instant gratification and busy schedules the struggle is definitely a real one. If you’re serious about reaching your goals, whether they’re short or long-term, taking a step back and evaluating your mindset is crucial. If you’re expecting to make change happen overnight or even after a few days of dedication, you should probably prepare yourself for disappointment.
As Alyse Kalish from The Muse explains in her article “The 1% Rule That’ll Make Reaching Big Goals Feel Easy”, the best chance of reaching your goals will come from taking the approach of getting just a little bit better every day. Forming the right habits slowly over time is the real key to success.
Alyse’s article, inspired by author and investor, James Altucher, is definitely some great food for thought when it comes to staying on the path to reaching your goals through 2017 and beyond. Be sure to check out her article and let us know what resolutions you’re working on this year!