Team Spirit: In. Three. Words.

Each year at Venterra’s “Kick-off the New Year Parties” we have a Spirit Stick contest per region.  Each property is asked to showcase its spirit based on the criteria created.  For the 2012 Kickoff we asked each property to “Show Us Their Spirit…In 3 Words” through a video or picture slideshow set to music.  Properties that chose to participate created 3 words that best described their team and then created a short 2 minute video […]

Team Spirit: In. Three. Words. Read More »

a group of people posing for a photo

And the Winner Is….

At Venterra’s Annual “Kick-Off the New Year” Parties in January, one person from every region is selected for each of the awards below, based on their performance throughout the year. There is also a Property of the Region Award that is selected. Property Manager of the Region Assistant Property Manager of the Region Leasing Consultant of the Region Maintenance Manager of the Region Assistant Maintenance of the Region Make Ready of the Region Housekeeper of

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a group of people sitting on a bench
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