May Better Living Winners!

a close up of a apple

Congratulations to our monthly Better Living winners for May!

For our May winners, 6 individuals jumped out at us for their participation in their own personal goals and the Better Living monthly challenges. Take a look at who they are and see why each of them will get $100!

 Mollie PicCongratulations goes to  Mollie Witt at College View! Mollie has posted 5 goals to the Better Living site and has completed 3 of her goals! She participated in the 30 Days of Hydration Challenge and the 30 Day Live, Laugh, Love Challenge. Mollie took the Live, Laugh, Love Challenge to social media and posted countless photos of her working her way toward completing the challenge. She is also currently participating in the 30 Day Tone & Tighten Challenge. In May she left over 30 words of encouragement to her peers and has also kept us up to date on her goals by posting updates and photos!! Way to go, Mollie! You just earned yourself $100 for participating, sharing, encouraging and achieving!!

Melissa PicWe would also like to give congratulations to  Melissa Jewkes at Willow Springs, for posting 5 personal goals and completing both Better Living Challenges for April & May. Melissa kept us all updated weekly in the Live, Laugh, Love Challenge by posting photos and everything she is thankful for. She also continuously updated the status of her goal in the Hydration Challenge. Melissa has also completed 1 of her personal goals this year! Awesome job, Melissa! You also earned yourself $100!

Tracy PicTracy Wall  at Carlyle Place is also one of our May Better Living Winners!  Tracy participated and completed the 30 Day Hydration Challenge and posted updates on her progress each week and with details! She also participated and completed the 30 Day Live, Laugh, Love Challenge and shared more than weekly updates with us. She shared about 2-3x a week with what she was doing to live a happier life! She is also currently taking part in our June 30 Day Tone and Tighten Challenge. Great job Tracy and congratulations on winning $100!

Gianina PicNext up is Gianina Painter from Hamptons at Woodland Point. She stood out to us as a Better Living winner because of her goal updates in the 30 Day Live, Laugh, Love Challenge.  Gianina organized  her team at the Hamptons and served dinner at the Nashville Ronald McDonald House! She also continued to update her challenge goal weekly with photos of how she was living better! Gianina participated in the 30 Days of Hydration Challenge and has 1 personal goal of running her first 5k! Gianina, you have also won yourself $100! Great job!

Robin PicCongratulations goes to Robin Finney, Content Specialist! Robin has 3 personal goals for this year, one of which has already been completed! She concentrated her efforts on completing the Whole 30 Eating Plan for the month of May and according to her goal updates she saw some great results! Awesome job, Robin! She also took part in the 30 Days of Hydration Challenge and is currently participating in the 30 Day Tone and Tighten Challenge! Congratulations on willing $100!

Lissa PicWe would also like to recognize Lissa May, Sr. Regional Manager, because she stood out to us as a Better Living winner in the month of May.  Lissa has 4 of her own personal Better Living goals two of which have been completed. She also took part in the 30 Day Live, Laugh, Love Challenge  posting updates and using Instagram as a catalyst to show off her progress in Living Better! She also found lots of creative ways to raise money for her friends cancer fund. Lissa, Venterra would like to donate $100 to your friends cancer fund raiser!


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