“Kourageous” Kamila – June Featured WOW Story of the Month – Part 1

a woman in a car

Amber PorterHow do you determine what is considered a WOW? Well, to each person you ask, I’m sure the answer is different. But to me, a WOW is created by taking the time to listen to others, picking up on key details, and then taking those details and doing something great to make a difference. For June’s Featured WOW Story of the Month, there were two WOW stories that really stood out to me because our team members took the time to listen, picked up on details during the conversation, and then personalized the experience for our customers.

This first story was posted by The Villas of Bristol Heights in Austin, TX.  What really impacted me with this story, is the above and beyond measures that Amber Porter took. Rather than just handing a gift card to Kamila for dinner, she took the time to coordinate having a personal chef cook for Kamila and her family at her family’s house!

I met our dear resident, Kamila, not long after starting at The Villas of Bristol Heights and quickly noticed how incredibly selfless she is. In addition to being a home Healthcare provider, she also spends her weeknights at her 95 year old grandfather’s house to care for him.  About a month ago, Kamila came in to retrieve a package, and I could tell that she seemed pretty tired. I asked her if everything was okay, and soon learned that her mother had been diagnosed with lung cancer and had to have a lung removed.  My heart went out to her, and I immediately knew that I had to do something to help.

I asked a friend of mine, who is a personal chef, for help to ease some of the burden off of Kamila. We decided it would be a great idea for him to go to her family’s house and cook a delicious gourmet dinner for them, as well as leave healthy, pre-packaged meals for her parents while her mom recovered. As an added gesture I got a “family” wall plaque for her and matching Mother/Daughter picture frames for she and her mom.

Kamila was so touched that I had not only taken the time to actively listen to what was going on in her life, but that I was moved enough to want to do something to help. Kamila’s strength and courage inspired me to do so!  Kourageous Kamila

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