WoW-EE! Jose & Jaime Head to a Texans Game!

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CollageOur Experience Leaders are continuing to create amazing moments for our employees! Check out how recently promoted Regional Better Living Manager, Mollie Witt WOWed a couple of the guys on her team at College View Apartments!

“Anyone that has spent any time speaking with Jose and Jaime at College View knows that they absolutely love sports!  Both of them are  fans of The Texans to the extent that Jaime’s whole family dresses up in their Texan’s gear on game days!

As anyone along the Gulf Coast can tell you it is hot and muggy outside in mid-July, and in our busy turn season, sometimes things get a little harder than usual!  Both of the guys have been really pushing through. and they are both so close (having worked side by side for 10 years,) they are almost like family. So, between the sonic slushy afternoons and little things here and there, I really wanted to do something big for the guys when they needed a little pick me up the most.  So, I happened to find FOUR tickets to the Texans vs. 49ers on the first pre-season game, so the guys got a little surprise.

I called Jaime into the office thinking that something was wrong, and surprised him, then went and found Jose cleaning a toilet for a make ready and surprised him! Needless to say, the guys smiles were from ear to ear!”

What a great story, Mollie! Way to keep your team WoWed!

1 thought on “WoW-EE! Jose & Jaime Head to a Texans Game!”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this story! Wow-ing is something near and dear to my heart, and this was my absolute favorite WOW to date! The guys sent me a picture from the game and absolutely loved it!

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