Check Out Our Rating!

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glassdoor logoJust as many residents read community reviews when choosing a place to live, employment candidates often read company reviews during a job search. Glassdoor is dedicated to “helping people everywhere find companies they love.” They strive for this goal with their growing database of more than 6 million reviews and consider themselves “the world’s most transparent career community.”

Glassdoor’s goals of transparency are in line with our Core Value of “Candor and Openness,” so we love that our team and those looking to join it have a place to turn to provide insight into Venterra. We’ve received some great feedback from our employees and candidates on the site so far! Below are a few of our highlights.

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High Overall Rating 

Take a look at the chart to the left that reflects our overall rating as compared to many of our competitors. Our 4.7 out of 5 rating is a reflection of our dedication to and an understanding of the needs and wants of our team members.






High Recommendation and CEO Ratings: Reco and CEO 8-12-15

Our reviewing employees have overwhelming shown that they would recommend us for employment to friends and family and that they approve of our CEO, John Foresi.


Open Company LogoOpen Company Status: We were awarded this designation by taking extra steps to create as much transparency as possible by responding to our employees’ reviews and providing our job seekers with accurate company information, photos, and reviews.

If you are considering a career with us we’d like to invite you to take a moment to see Venterra through the eyes of our team members and get a feel for what to expect from our interview process by checking out the Venterra Realty Glassdoor profile or by clicking the logo above! 

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