LeAnn Cordes: Our 2014 Better Living Champion!

a group of women holding a large check

As a company we encourage our employees to commit to “Better Living,” focusing on making a difference in their personal lives and/or the communities we live in. Whether it’s living healthier, investing more in their families, achieving financial goals or contributing more to their community, we believe that being great at work is affected by how we feel about ourselves, our health and the overall balance we have in life.

This year there were a tons of goals set, reached for, encouraged, and achieved! Check out a few of our Better Living highlights in the video below!

Our annual Kick-Off parties were a great place to award many of the Better Living employees who stood out as strong participators during the year, and our 2014 Better Living Champion was Leann Cordes!

In 2014 LeAnn decided to make seLeannBLCheckveral changes to ensure her continued happiness and to create a better quality of life. With the help of her doctor she came up with a plan of action to start a new journey that would create a change in her lifestyle and way of thinking about food and exercise. During the year she was able to reach a significant milestone in weight loss and is looking forward to her life long goal of maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Recognizing that her own change can inspire change in others truly makes LeAnn a Better Living Champion!

To reward her for her for all of her efforts and inspiration, LeAnn received a $2,000 check at the Texas Kick-Off party!

Congrats LeAnn! We’re looking forward to continue to see you travel on your journey and inspiring us along the way!

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