800 Moments of WOW Matters!       

Logo with the words "Wow Matters." The "W" in "Wow" is large and green, and the "M" in "Matters" is stylized with black peaks.


It’s hard to believe that we have already entered the month of June.  June brings the end of spring and start to summer; the end of another quarter; and the nearing of the second half of 2014.  It’ll be Christmas before we know it.  But before we rush to the end of the year, let’s pause and reflect on the first half of this year.


Since January, our onsite employees have posted nearly 800 WOW moments!  These WOW moments have been filled with showering of gifts to recent graduates, newly married couples, and new parents; taking care of residents who may have lost a loved one or a pet; taking the proper steps to recover from an issue where we may have slipped; and just being there for our residents and customers and listening to them when they need an extra ear.


WOWing our residents and customers is about making a difference and reaping the satisfaction of knowing that at the end of the day they can leave with a smile.


“BIG thank you to Bradford Pointe’s amazing staff! After casually mentioning that I was wanting a bike, they surprised me with one! Including a basket, LED light, and lock! Such a blessing!! I can’t thank them enough!!” – Shanna, Bradford Pointe Resident


“Thank you to the people at Signature Ridge for making us feel so special! We are longtime residents for the simple reason that your property goes above & beyond always! Nathan is an amazing helper & Betsy is always so nice! Thank you for the recognition that you gave us recently.” – Robert, Signature Ridge Resident


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