2014 Atlanta Race for the Cure

a group of people posing for a photo

The Atlanta region participated in their SGK Race for the Cure on Saturday, May 10th!


Thanks to the following people for participating in Atlanta’s Race:                                                     

Melinda Joglar Aaron Jones
Kimberly Agudelo Ivan Koynarski
Julio Barrios Rachid Laabar
Diana Cabrices Leosbel Lazo
Tiffany Campbell Alisha Levine
Diego Cardona Zuly Lozano
Taylor Cooks Lauren Moseley
Jeremy Duvall Michelle Meigs
Petyo Dakev Tansy Miller
Stephanie Fernandez Rachid Ouhadi
Miguel Garcia Tashina Page
Rachel Garcia Frances Yanez
Candi Garland Kathi Price
Jennifer Glenn Nelson Rodriguez
Inocencia Gonzalez Adam Rostin
Shawn Hunter Geneo Sweeten
Sandria Hollis Laura Scott
Aaron Jackson Donald Shelnutt
Jaime Bueno Jacqui Sullivan
Nikki James Robert Thomas

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