$2000? WOW!

a group of women holding a large check

2011 Grand Prize Winners1 | Venterra Realty 


Venterra’s WOW culture began in 2009 with our Customer Service Vision to deliver a Better Way of Living to our residents and continuously raise the standard of apartment living through our commitment to exceptional service. And boy did we ever raise the standard…with nearly 4,500 WOW moments created for our residents in merely 4 years!

In April of 2011, we launched the 2011 WOW contest and awarded $15,000 to 116 winners including a GRAND PRIZE of $2,000 to ONE Winning Story.  Here is the 2011 Grand Prize Winning Story submitted by the resident herself:

“Today the ladies in the front office made an 11 year old boy very happy.  My son has been waiting for a promised package, from his father, since his birthday on May 29th.  Each day he would send me or go with me to check on his package.  It has been 1 month and 3 days and no package. My son is autistic and believes that everyone tells the truth so he looked for that package to arrive each day. Today, I received an email and a phone call from the ladies in the office informing me that my son had a package.  I thought, “Wow, I could finally stop seeing the disappointed eyes of my son each day”.  I sent my son into the office to get the package, and when I walked in behind him, he was holding a beautifully wrapped gift.  The gift was from the ladies in the office.  My son believes the gift was from his dad.  If his dad actually sends him a gift, I will let him think he got 2 gifts from him for being such a wonderful son. I want to thank the ladies in the office.  Their gesture was heartfelt and it made my son and I feel loved.  Their kindness will be forever remembered.  May God bless you both!”

 I think you would agree this is a WOW moment that will be remembered forever!  Beating out 3,200 other WOW stories and resident compliments, Megan Gustafson and Tracy Wall of Carlyle Place in San Antonio received their checks at the San Antonio region’s Kick-Off party in January 2012.



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