Luis’ Retirement Celebration

a collage of people posing for a photo

Luis Gonzalez has been a fixture at Venterra for nearly as long as the company has been around. His thirteen years on the team have included the positions of Rover, Assistant Maintenance Manager, and Maintenance Manager. During his time at Sunray, Ventana, and all of our San Antonio communities as a Rover he made a personal or professional impact on many of his teammates. It’s for that reason that when his retirement date was upon us, his crew at Ventana Apartments decided he deserved to celebrate his long tenure with us in a big way!

Luis' Retirement CelebrationLuis and the team were joined by corporate employees from the San Antonio area to see him off in style. A party complete with an engraved hammer and Yeti thermos as parting gifts and Mexican food from his favorite restaurant was enjoyed by all and Luis also received a call from our Chief Executive Officer, Richard Roos, who expressed his personal appreciation for all of the years that Luis has spent at Venterra Realty.

On his last day, Wednesday April 27th, Luis will also enjoy a final team team lunch with a hamburger cookout and will be taken out for lunch the day after where we’ll be treating him to a final surprise to help out on his trip to Wisconsin.

In the words of Community Manager, Teresa Heeney:

“Luis’ maintenance knowledge and skills are admirable. He has been an excellent mentor, teaching technicians tricks of the trade that only experience provides. Replacing Luis will not be an easy task. He’s a one of a kind employee and a jack of all trades.”

Enjoy retirement, Luis! Your Venterra Family will be missing you! 

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